From the Cave di Cusa comes the material of construction of the temples of Selinunte.
The large area of the Cave of Cusa is located about 13 km north-west of Selinunte, in the territory of Campobello di Mazara, on a plain near the coast.

The caves were used for the extraction of material for the construction of the temples of Selinunte. They consist of a large school of limestone, about 2 km long, with an east-west, parallel to the coastline.
Their great extent reflects the importance of the site, due to the presence of different veins of the bench calcarenitic, which could be used for different purposes.
Thanks to archaeological documentation has been possible to reconstruct the various processes of quarry: according to the various needs, was practiced on the horizontal plane of the bench a trench circular, wide space required (approximately 50 cm) to allow the stonemason then to proceed up to the amount required . Wedges were then placed on the lower floor, and was causing the detachment of the block. Subsequently, with the aid of levers, the block was raised and, rolling, transported to the place where it was made a first roughing. At the end we proceeded with the transport was usually with wagons pulled by oxen.
Opening hours: every day from 9.00 to 14.00. Free admission.
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